5 Tips for Improving the Candidate Experience

A recent survey revealed that 60% of job seekers say they’ve had at least one bad experience with the hiring process. And regardless of whether it was due to lack of communication or lengthy delays, or whether the problem occurred during the application or interview phase, perhaps even more concerning is the fact that 72% of candidates will share that poor experience with others. To avoid this in your practice, here are five tips you can implement today to wow those highly talented candidates and turn them into loyal, dedicated and engaged staff members.

Develop and understand candidate personas.

In marketing, it’s advised to create “personas” of the ideal customer as it can help you hone your message and strategize to better reach your target audience. The same concept can be applied to the hiring process. Before you even begin crafting your job listing, get a clear picture of who you envision the perfect person for that role to be.

Evaluate your current candidate experience.

Taking a step back and honestly analyzing what kind of experience your current job applicants are having with the hiring process can help you proactively identify areas of improvement. Are applicants notified promptly that their information has been received? Are expectations being adequately managed in terms of time frame and next steps? Are you leveraging all of the tools and technology available to you to improve and streamline the process?

Use storyboarding to create a whole new and better process.

One thing many in the position of hiring often forget is the human aspect. You may have mountains of applications and resumes to sort through, but there is a real person behind each and every one of them. You can begin to transform the candidate experience into something more real and personal through storyboarding. That is, turning each step of your process into a scene from a story. This will allow you to tap into how each step makes the candidate feel so you can make it a much more positive experience.

Make it easy and convenient.

How difficult is it to apply for a position with your practice? Is there an online screening that you use? Do candidates feel like they’re jumping through hoops just to start the process? There’s nothing wrong with being meticulous and systematic when selecting people to staff your practice. In fact, doing so will help you weed out the “B-Players” so you only end up with the best of the best. But that doesn’t mean the actual logistics of the process should be painful. Focus on developing a documented system for how the hiring process will be handled from start to finish and stick with it.

Make it personal and respectful.

Yes, you are looking to fill a position within your practice, which is technically about you, but if you want to attract, hire (and most importantly, retain) the best talent, you really have to make the experience more about them. Respect their time. Follow up in a timely manner. Personalize your responses. Show your candidates that they’re not just numbers to you. Even if you ultimately end up selecting someone else, make the experience as positive and personal as possible. You never know if they or someone in their network might end up being the perfect fit for your practice at some point in the future.

Does your candidate experience need a serious overhaul? Maybe you just simply don’t have time to worry about these details yourself. In either case, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how the Dream Team Elite system can help you find the perfect fit for all your staffing needs.