5 Ways a Small Practice Can Hire Like the Big Dogs

Running a small veterinary practice can certainly have its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest ones is staffing – especially if your clinic is located in close proximity to larger or corporate pet hospitals. Without access to the cash flow and other resources these big players have to recruit talent, it can seem downright impossible for smaller practices to compete. The good news is, landing A-list talent is entirely possible, provided you use the right approach. Here are five ideas to get you started.

Identify the Details

You can’t find the perfect employee until you know exactly who that employee is. Sit down and map out the qualities you are looking for. Consider the characteristics and skills that would be nice to have and those you are simply not willing to compromise on. Likewise, go through the details of the job itself. This will help prospective employees to determine whether your open position is worth applying for. And don’t forget culture. This can be the true ace-in-the-hole that can set your practice apart.

Ditch the Old

If you haven’t had much luck recruiting top veterinary talent, it may be worth examining your policies and practices. Be honest with yourself about areas throughout the hiring process where improvements could and should be made. Understand that the old way of hiring simply isn’t effective any more – especially in today’s employee market. It’s no longer about placing an ad and fielding piles of incoming resumes. Today’s veterinary recruiting is about marketing yourself and your practice.

Get Social

You may not have access to all the fancy recruiting resources the larger practices do, but you do have a few weapons in your arsenal that you can use. In particular, you’ve got the power of social media behind you. And these days, that’s often all it takes to attract and recruit the perfect candidates. So take advantage of what you have and start building a solid social presence. Then, leverage that online network to seek out talent that might be a good fit for your open positions.

Use Your Edge

In the midst of competing with the big guys, it can be easy to lose sight of the many advantages smaller practices actually have over larger ones. For instance, there’s the close-knit, family atmosphere and the lack of stifling corporate policy, just to name a few. These things can be leveraged as a selling point to would-be employees. Not sure what makes your practice unique? Ask your team members why they like working there. Chances are, those same positives will resonate with new candidates as well.

Invest in Retention

It’s been proven time and time again that keeping an existing employee is much less expensive (and a lot less stressful) than trying to hire someone new. Value your current team and make rewards and recognition a top priority. Find creative ways to show your appreciation, even if it’s not monetary. For instance, offer a flexible schedule or a little extra time off. These little gestures can really add up when it comes to employee engagement and retention, which will hopefully make recruiting an uncommon event for you in the long term.

Still struggling to fill your openings? Feeling as though you just can’t seem to gain any traction in today’s competitive candidate market? That’s where the Dream Team Builder comes into play! We’re experts at finding those diamonds in the rough, and we’d love the opportunity to do the same for you. Get in touch today to get started!